2007 Graduation

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The Sixty-seventh Commencement Exercises of Clay High School - Sunday, May 27, 2007 @ 3PM

2007 Graduating Class
Chassidy Adams , Robert Bauer, Amber Brunner, Haley Castle*+, Justin Craft*+, Alli Crippen, Allison Dunn*+, Justin Fowler, Jessica Hensley, Nick Howell, Rodney Jenkins, Amanda Kimbler, Doran Martin, Sonja Neuendorf, Tim Puckett, Tara Schuler*+, Matt Smith, Kayla Trent, Anna Walters, Derrick Webb, Bobby Barnet, Aaron Bihl*+, Shane Caseman+, Bobbi Colley, Shane Craft, Ryan Cucore, Lauren Elliott*+, Erin Greathouse, Bethany Hess*+, Alyx Jackson, Marcelo Moreno, Jessica Jones, Alyssa Lemaster+, Johnny Meadows, Elise Noel, Kent Robinson, Justin Singer, Matt Stroud, Tiffany Tucker, Whitney Ward, Brittany Weeks*+, Trisha Whitt

* National Honor Society
+ Honors Diploma

Outstanding Vocational Student - Tiffany Tucker

Salutatorian - Justin Craft

Valedictorian - Lauren Elliott

This year's speaker was Dr. Cynthia (Rice) Hamm, a 1981 Clay graduate.  Dr. Hamm completed her Bacherlor's degree at Ohio University in 1985, graduating Magna Cum Laude.  She completed her pre-medical studies at The Ohio State University in 1995.  She also received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from Shawnee State University in 1996.  She then received her Doctoral degree in Medicine at OSU in 2001 and completed her residency at Grant Medical Center in 2006.  She is currently a member of the medical staff of Southern Ohio Medical Center and practices family medicine at SOMC's Minford Family Practice Office. 


Class Song:
"Don't Stop Believing" by Journey

Class Motto:
"Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get."
from Forrest Gump

Class Flower:
Red Tulip

Class Colors:
Black and Lime Green

2007 Academic Banquet

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Congratulations, CHS Students!

Baush & Lomb Honorary Science
- Megan Burchett
Frederick Douglas/Susan B Anthony Award - Casey Stapleton
United States Army Scholar Athlete - Justin Craft/Brittany Weeks
Ohio High School Athletic Association
Archie Griffin - Justin Craft/Alyx Jackson
Courageous Student - Aaron Bihl
Wendy's High School Heisman - Justin Craft/Brittany Weeks
Hugh O'Brian Leadership - Chelsie Thomas
Daughters of America Reveloution - Hayley Castle

Scholarships (as of May 21, 2007)     TOTAL=$412,692.00
Marshall Memorial ($500)
- Tara Schuler
Clay Band Boosters ($250) - Hayley Castle
Medical Mutual ($500) - Justin Craft
Ohio Academic ($8,824) - Tara Schuler
Shawnee State
University Professor's ($4,000) - Alyssa Lemaster
President's - Lauren Elliott ($24,720) / Tara Schuler ($24,720)
Skip Riffe - Alyssa Lemaster ($750)
Glockners Service ($500) - Shane Caseman
Tuition Waiver ($24,720) - Robert Bauer
Wright State ($12,800) - Justin Craft
Miami University ($122,468) - Brittany Weeks
Mount Vernon ($35,000) - Elise Noel
Ohio State Grant In Aid ($8,040) - Tara Schuler
Scholarship America - Tara Schuler ($3,000)
($1,000) - Tara Schuler
Kiwanis of Paris, KY ($500) - Kent Robinson
Kookin Kampers ($200) - Whitney Ward
Lucasville Masonic Lodge ($500) - Whitney Ward
Carl Brooks (Scioto Area Foundation ($9.200) - Whitney Ward
SOMC Scholars Program/Nursing ($20,800) - Hayley Castle
Scioto County Scienc Fair ($250) - Robert Bauer /  Allison Dunn
Shawnee Presidential ($22,000) - Brittany Weeks
Capital Presidential ($40,000) - Brittany Weeks
Transylvania University Founders ($28,000) - Brittany Weeks
Transylvania Downing ($7,200) - Brittany Weeks
Transylvania Endowment Grant ($12,000) - Brittany Weeks

WSAZ Best of Class - Lauren Elliott
Salutatorian - Justin Craft
Valedictorian - Lauren Elliott

2007 Scioto County Science Fair

Congratulations to the winners!

Clay High School

Biological Division

First Pllace - Allison Dunn - won a $250 scholarship
Second Place - Molly McCroskey & Talyn Nolen - won $100

Physical Division

First Place - Robert Bauer - received a $250 scholarship
Second Place - Niccole Chandler - won a scientific calculator

Junior High

Teams Division

Third Place - Mariah Malcom & Jennifer Brocato

Governor's Award - Kristen Clark - won $25 cash

Sixth  Grade

First Place  - Payton Lykins - won mountain bike
Secnd Place - Sarah Raies - won $50
Govenor's Enviromental Award - Ben Arnold - won a scientific calculator

Fifth Grade

First Place - Michael Schmidt - won a mountain bike

*Article information submitted by Mrs. Claxon and Mrs. Gahm.  The picture was provided by Mrs. Rose.

2007 Night of the Arts

On behalf of the Clay High School art and music departments, we would like to thank everyone who made the Night of the Arts a success.  Our students have worked hard this year thanks to your support and encouragement.  We hope you enjoyed the visual and performing arts this evening.

Amanda Sherman (Choir), Amanda Knight (Band), Tiffany Moore (Art), & Mike Schomburg (Industrial Arts)

"Scooby Doo, Where are You?" - Arrangement by Doug Adams
Featuring 7th Grade Band

"Funkytown" - Arr. Mike Story

"Jupiter" (From The Planets) Gutsav Holst (1874-1934) - Arr. Paul Murtha

"Dance of the Wind-Up Toy" -  Mike Cockarell
Featuring Percussion Ensemble

"All Star" - Arr. Nick Baratta
Featuring Clay High School Band

"Smoke on the Water" - Arr. Micheal Sweeney

Band Members
Sonja Neuendorf*, Alysia Pack, Mandi Justice, Alisha Adams, Megan Perkins, & TaylerCarter

Hayley Castle* & Ethan Penix

Kristen McClellan & Holly Hempill

Time Large, Bradley Hempill, Brittany Johnson, Robert Collins, Eric Manninen, & Eli Kelley

Tiffany Miller, Linus Singer, & Cyndy Tayler

Billy Miller, Brittany Miller, Tiffany Wiget, & Jacob Harris

Percussion Ensemble Members:  Marimba - Cyndy Taylor, Xylophone - Megan Perkins, Vibraphone - Robert Collins, Timpani - Holly Hempill, Basss Drum - Tiffany Miller, Concert Tom Tom - Tayler Carter, Temple Block - Jacob Harris, Crash Cymbal - Eli Kelley, & Tamburine - Tiffany Wiget  

Concert Choir
"Let the River Run" - Arr. Jay Althouse

"Fields of Gold" - Arr. Roger Emerson

"Get Happy" - Arr. Mac Huff

Chassidy Adams*, Brittany Bear, Kim Hurd, Laura Belcher, Tori Osborne, Megan Tracey, Autumn Thompson, Beth Johnson, McKenzie Carr, Hannah Conley, Alli Crippen*, Allison Dunn*, Morgan Jackson, Molly McCroskey, Hilary Noel, Taylor Prise, Courtney Wilson, Lauren Dodrill, Talyn Nolen, & Ashley Robinson

Hayley Castle*, Hannah Davis, Mandy Kimbler*, Jessica Nowlin, Natalie Thacker, Kylie Davis, Niccole Chandler, Jessica Jones*, & Alyssa Lemaser*

Jacob Lewis, Zac Boyer, & Woody Rettig

Josh Collins, Nick Ginn, Billy Miller, Ethan Penix, & Shane Keen

* Denotes senior band and choir members

**Information provided by the art and music departments

2007 JH Spelling Bee

Congratulations, Bryce!
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The 2007 Clay Junior High School Spelling Bee was held Thursday, February 15, 2007, in the Clay High School Library.  The following seventh and eighth grade students participated in the Clay Junior High Spelling Bee:  Katherine Bauer, Sarah Burton, Cody Bussler, Bethany Coffey, Keely Craft, Jacob Harris, Jordan Lewis, Eric Manninen, Miles McCroskey, Rachel Parker, Kelsey Seidel, Emily Spriggs, Jon Valentine, Timothy White, Tiffany Wiget, & Bryce Wright.

Clay’s 2007 Scioto County Spelling Bee Representative is Bryce Wright, eighth grader, son of Daniel & Chasity Wright of Portsmouth.  Bryce will represent Clay Junior High School in the Scioto County Spelling Bee at SOMC Friends Center on Saturday, March 3 at 7:00 P.M.  The alternate for Clay is Sarah Burton, seventh grader, daughter of Lori Wolfe of Portsmouth.

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*Article information provided by Mrs. Parkes.


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